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Meeting the chasers

We are Andreia & Eneas, a couple of globetrotters that in 2022 started the Chasing Gambozinos project. Born in Portugal (Andreia) and Spain (Eneas), we were living in the Netherlands the year we decided to quit our corporate jobs, where we were steady and comfy, to shake things up and travel full time!

The desire to take others on this journey with us, and to keep developing new skills, inspired us to start a project of travel content creation. We started off on Instagram, as photography and writing was already part of our passions, and soon we jumped into other platforms.


Glass half full kind of human, that uses weird noises as a communication tool regularly, unapologetically passionate about life, adrenaline junkie, often loses control over face expressions, window seater, part-time foodie and horror movie fangirl, eats cilantro, and loves photography and cinematic videography.


Chill to a superhuman level, undercover foodie, tuk tuk licensed driver, loves manga and mangoes, ain’t no transportation that will stop him from sleeping, middle seater (not by choice, just to support Andreia’s brick heavy head😅), believes anything goes with tuna, cares about the drone as his child.

Where in the world did that name come from?

Our mind rumbled a bit until we landed on a name we liked, we had some weird ideas that we are not very proud of😂. One day, the word “Gambozinos” came to mind and we could not let go!



[] Portuguese (n.)

Beings who, according to popular superstition, live in nature, although some species have adapted to live in the city. They are very hard to find and catch. Their look varies according to the imagination of each one.


Parents in Portugal and Spain tell their kids, at a very young age, to chase gambozinos, when they need to keep them entertained. This is a never ending quest, just like traveling is for us. We are always looking for the unknown, exploring what might be the next big adventure, and getting off the beaten path, looking for the next Gambozino.

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 Chasing Gambozinos website made entirely by Andreia and Eneas

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